13 inch Nightwing: Full Review

October 20, 2007

This new figure from DC Direct is one which my cause me to add another line to my collection.  While in the past I was impressed with the 13 inch figures this figure is the one which gets me into this line.  I think that the attention to detail and the articulation makes this figure worth the price tag.  That I would say is the one draw back of the whole line, a $50 to $60 price tag. 

The box is simple but still nice, and very easy to display for those of you who keep your collections MOC.  This box allows collectors to see the figure and the accessories and still keep him all boxed up nicely.  The box also gives great examples of the character’s flexibility and a brief biography. 

Once you get this figure out of the box you can really see why it cost so much and is worth it.  The attention to detail in the costume and the face sculpt puts this figure above the 2-up DC figures from Mattel and Marvel Legends Icons.  This figure is striking when you look at it posed in action shots; it almost feels like the character jumped off the page right into you home. 

Looking over this figure you can see the nice touches added to the figure to make it so amazing.  First is the costume, which is made of real material and moves with the figures when it is posed.  In some cases when figures have a real costume it limits the ability to pose the figure, not in this case.  Also while it would be easy to make the boots part of the sculpted figure the removable boots are made of rubber and leather like material which adds to the over all realism of the figure.  This figure also comes with 2 masks which allow you to have his identity showing and change his look.  Nightwing also comes with his signature fighting sticks and his own versions of Batarangs. 

Now for the real draw back, his hands.  He comes with two sets of hands one closed fists and one set open.  You can not put anything in the closed fists, but can bend the fingers on the open hands to have him hold his accessories.  The problem with the hands is the wire does not, at least in mine, extend far enough out in to the fingers to have them close all the way.  While it’s not a huge deal it does make his posing with objects little off when his pinky is sticking straight out. 

Over all it think this is my favorite Nightwing figure ever made, and one of the most impressive figures I have seen in years.  This marks the start of my addiction to this line and over time hope to catch up and find some of those harder to get older figures. 






Amazing figure

October 19, 2007

Wow is all I seem to be able to get out right now.  I will have a ton more pictures up throughout the weekend. 

My First DCD 13 Inch Figure

October 18, 2007

This week I get my hands on the new 13″ Nightwing figure from DC Direct.  Come back this weekend for a full review. What I did notice, they rescuplted the head, it looks amazing. 

The Last of the DCSH: Part I

October 5, 2007

This is the last wave of DCSH before the brand changes over to DC Classics line.  I’m sure most of us wanted more original characters in this wave but I was not disappointed in any of them.   

Starting off this look at the figures I thought I would start with the redone figures from the old Batman line. 

Nightwing is my favorite character in comics, and yet we don’t have a figure, which really allows him to be a great toy.  This figure is a simple repaint of the original Nightwing from the Ninja Batman two-pack.  The figure comes with a club and a shield.  While the figure is not comic accurate the paint is precise.  All the blue on the figure is a metallic blue and his hair has brown highlights.  While this is not the real color scheme of Nightwing the figure still looks nice.  The real draw back with the figure is the lack of articulation.  Dick can’t bend his arms and the pose is rather static.  Nightwing is a very dynamic character yet this figure look more like a statue.  Even with problems this is a nice figure for those of you who missed him the first time around.  This Nightwing is decent filler until the Four Horsemen give us something new and improved. 


Next up we have the Joker. The Clown Prince of Crime comes with a few accessories and sports a new color scheme.  The original Joker was in his signature purple suit.  This Joker however is very colorful with orange pants and green vest.  The one problem with the paint on the Joker is a blue wash on his face.  The original figure was pale white and right on target, while this one with the outfit color changes and the blue wash, does make him a questionable purchase.  While again this figure is a simple repaint it’s the extras that come with him, which makes this figure worth it.  Joker comes with a non-functional gun and backpack for what I have to assume is joker gas.  The gun seems to be able to shoot water but missing the parts for it to be functional.  We also get a great full face joker gas mask and hammer.  If this figure came with no accessories I would say it would not be worth grabbing, but knowing that you can use his weapons to possibly make a great diorama makes him a must have. If you don’t like the repaint try a Big Lots they have some of the originals in stock. 


Come back for the next review and look at Batman and Bruce Wayne

And to get these figures and more check out the Enchanted Toy Chest